Big Farm by MJM

Thursday, November 29, 2012

The day Pam Bondi was sworn in as Florida’s Attorney General it was obvious she had another office in mind before she even started her elected duties. She started at that time to speak in ”HEADLINEese” and I couldn’t figure out exactly what she had in mind. Was she already planning on being our next Governor or Senator? Whatever it was, look for more headlines in boldface whenever her name is mentioned.
Just what Florida needs, another self-promoting polititian.
(This is a copy of the letter to the Tampa Bay Times as result of her latest headline "Bondi blasts health law". I almost wrote "Blondi" by mistake which you'll understand because she's extremely blond which can't hurt her chances with the NRA people who love having her at their rallys.) 

Sunday, November 25, 2012


Our Thanksgiving Day was a very happy day for just five family members because so many were gone spending time with others, but they’ll be around for our Christmas get-together.
What made the day special was spending the time with our oldest grandson. His mother, aunt and we grandparents learned about his new job which started several weeks ago. We had no idea what it entailed and were astounded to find that is exactly what he has been striving for since his discharge from the Marine Corps. He happily said he expects to stay in this job for the next 30 years doing what he loves and it includes great benefits, too.  
I, unfortunately, couldn’t remember last year’s dinner which included just the four of us, but this year will stand out for me and my husband. Listening to our grandson cheerfully explain what he is doing while eating an outstanding meal makes for a really Happy Thanksgiving.

Thursday, November 15, 2012


In Florida people tend to forget about ethical miss-steps by the state Republican politicians. We have a governor who cheated Medicare of millions when he was the head of a health organization. Although this came out in his campaign, the Republicans refused to take his cheating into consideration when they voted for him. We received a letter from a friend refuting all of that nonsense and informing us of how wonderful a man he was.
Floridians now have a front runner for the 2016 Presidential election who has an ethical problem himself. In case you never heard, Marco Rubio used his Republican credit card for personal matters, such as paying cleaning bills, getting new tires for his car along with other things. Of course it was all a misunderstanding and he asked that the Republican members of the ethics committee clear him of any misdoing. He refunded the money to the Party and now has a clean slate and is beloved by the losers of the past presidential election.
In case you haven’t noticed, we have a lot of state politicians about whom I’ve written before who are ethically challenged. I think the voters are now receiving that message and we’ll see what happens in the next few years.

Thursday, November 8, 2012


While at a social function, I asked an Englishman a question about politics in his country. He rudely said that “my friend” Tony Blair was a crook who made millions while in office and is still stealing from the people. He ranted that all politicians are crooks!!!
I asked him how he votes at home. He said he never votes!!
This was basically our entire conversation.


Thursday, November 1, 2012


Funny or pathetic is what I heard on MSNBC late last evening.
Mitt Romney held a non-campaign event (?) on Tuesday in Ohio. This was to help those victims of Hurricane Sandy. He asked that food be brought to where he was holding the non-event to be sent to the Red Cross which had already asked that food not be sent to the East Coast.
Here’s what happened the evening before, according to the TV program. Romney aides went to the local Wal-Mart and spent $5,000 on small items such as granola bars and peanut butter and laid them out on tables at the non-political event.
When people arrived they were at first turned away because they had brought no food donations with them. The aides got a little wiser and stacked some food stuffs at the end of the long tables and if the visitors had nothing to give, they were told to pick up something and hand it to the candidate. Two teen-age boys each picked up a jar of peanut butter gave them to Romney who shook their hands and thanked them for their help.
This is the man a large percentage of Americans are voting for, not because they love him (most don’t even like him) but to get rid of a black man who is our President. What a shameful group of people. People all over the world are aghast at what has happened to a country they once had great respect for. (at least they did before George Bush became president and started a war that is still going on)