Big Farm by MJM

Monday, January 20, 2014


I think the last I spoke of my birthday was when I reached the landmark age of 80. My birthday present from the family was the memorable trip to the Steinhatchee Landing Resort. We saw pictures of that exciting time just a few weeks ago and I was filled warm feelings about how happy everyone seemed.

Now I’m 83. What can I say? I keep thinking about all the years of growing up and still dream of my Mother. A frequent one is that she is in a nursing home and I’ve not called or visited her and I feel so guilty forgetting about her. I don’t think I ever dream of my Dad.

I had a marvelous time with part of the family yesterday. We visited the Miniature Art show and saw five of our daughter’s pieces. Then we had dinner with Melissa, Chris, Jen and Steve as well as their two beautiful daughters. Chris brought brownies to the restaurant and lit two candles. I had always thought that anyone 80 years old was decrepit and living in a fog. I know I’m decrepit but I don’t live in a fog.

Today our only son, wife and grandson are arriving this evening with gifts of Greek Food. How lucky I am.

One thing that might surprise you is, I’m starting to write a book of fiction. Why not, I have a title and two characters kind of mapped out. At first I wanted it to be a mystery and filled with humor, now I’m not sure. I read the first page to my husband and we really laughed about some of the stuff. Now I think that what is funny could also be taken as serious. I had planned to ask the rest of the family to read it and suggest a mystery plot but now decided to go my own way. 

I’m telling you this because if I let you know about it, then I’ll have to continue and try to finish it. It might end up a short story, a novella or a book. Who knows, but my imagination continues on.

What would really be funny is if something happens to me, mentally or physically, everyone would get to write their own finished version.

Anyways, Happy Birthday to Me.

Thursday, January 16, 2014


You’ve read all about the retired policeman who killed a man for ostensibly throwing a bag of popcorn at him. His lawyer says for people not to judge him because he feared for his life in that dark theater and this is where the “stand your ground law” comes into effect. I don’t think even our local sheriff’s department is going to agree with that alibi.
In my estimation, the real reason is that the retired policeman had “lost his power” and couldn’t deal with it. It’s possible that proof comes in the form of a previous moviegoer who had the same experience with him, saying he really frightened her.
Consider how a highly regarded person used to commanding respect has to deal with the fact he’s lost his power at retirement and doesn’t get the respect he feels he deserves.
This particular person, a former police officer, has many friends who cannot believe this man could become so enraged that he would kill someone simply for texting. Those many friends, family and neighbors can’t understand this helpful person doing such a dreadful thing. But when he is outside of that circle of friends and can’t deal with the reality that “he’s lost his power” does he carry a gun to prove he still has it?
Unfortunately, in Florida we residents are surrounded by people who have no power except for guns, guns, guns.


Monday, January 6, 2014


I so enjoy reading the headlines on magazines at the checkout lanes in grocery stores. When I read a small article in today’s newspaper, I started to imagine what would appear on next month’s supermarket editions. The article I’m speaking of comes from Honolulu and the headline states “Michele Obama extends her vacation”.

Can’t you just imagine the gasps of shoppers as they’re about to pay for their groceries and they see “OBAMA LEAVES MICHELLE” or “FIRST DAUGHTERS ARE SEEN LAUGHING AT THE LAST SIGHTOF THEIR MOTHER”? Or maybe “THE PRESIDENT STRANDS MICHELLE ON AN ISLAND”. Possibly “AT 50 IS MICHELLE NO LONGER INTERESTED IN AN AGING PRESIDENT?”