Big Farm by MJM

Saturday, September 25, 2010

How I Almost Had the Answer

Drinking has never been a problem for me. It’s very seldom that I have one even at a party.  I’ll have maybe a glass of wine although I really love anything frozen or with ice cream, but one drink can really affect me and a bottle of beer puts me to sleep. I can easily remember the two times I really got looped, once on New Year’s Eve and another after opening night of a play.  (I wasn’t in the play just worked back stage)

So what happened one night was a little different for me.  We attended a dinner dance and were with a large group of friends at a local country club.  I had several glasses of wine and everyone had left our table and began milling around except for myself and a woman acquaintance.  I’m not known for philosophizing, but the woman and I began this deep conversation on the real meaning of life.  Her claim to fame was as a contestant in the Miss America Pageant where she represented another state out west. She wasn’t the winner.  As we explored the depths of meaning, our words were becoming more slurred and I had this fantastic feeling that we were almost there, when all of a sudden her false eyelash fell off. She left the table and never came back. That’s how I almost had the answer.


  1. Hilarious!!! I, too, don't handle drinking well, although it makes it very inexpensive for me. Great story!

  2. Hopefully, her fake eyelashes didn't cause her to lose the pageant! Funny story. Steve

  3. What a great ending! I love that story.

  4. It just goes to show you how thin the line (eyeliner?) can be in life...a small twist of fate can loom large. If you ever run into the one-lash lady again, please do share the outcome!

  5. Oops, I accidentally just posted under the wrong account. That was actually Chuck (not MJ's Stuff) waxing about the "thin eyeliner" and small twists of fate that this story illustrates. Funny too how "false" eyelashes separate us all from the ultimate "truth." I'll go back to my regular day now that I've shared these deep philosophical observations.

  6. So close to finding out the true meaning of life. I hope her eyelash did not end up in your glass of wine! Jen
