Big Farm by MJM

Monday, May 9, 2011


One song I’ve always loved singin’ was “Let There Be Peace on Earth”.  It was the last song our caroler group sang after every performance and it was sung as a recessional in our church. I no longer enjoy singing it at Mass.

Let me explain. When George Bush started the Iraq War with his cronies using false premises, I heard nothing in any Catholic Church that denounced this war except for one time when a retired visiting priest spoke out against it and one parishioner and his wife yelled at him from the congregation. That couple got up and left which caused the entire congregation to applaud the priest’s stand.

In other words, many people were against the war, yet hardly anyone expressed an opinion from the pulpit. You couldn’t be a patriot if you were against this travesty and the passed basket on Saturday and Sunday would probably suffer if any Pastor spoke out, and yet the song/hymn “Let There Be Peace on Earth” would be sung lustfully after Mass.

I still stand there in silence and want to weep for the loss of innocent lives and the enormous debt that resulted.

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