Big Farm by MJM

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

You find God
George W. Bush was elected to the presidency of the United States. That in itself is questionable. (see the Florida recount) Still some naive voters felt that a man you’d like to drink beer with would make a great president and a powerful world leader. It didn’t matter that he drank too much, took drugs and lied to go to war. He had found God!
Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann both know God personally because they’re married women and mothers, to boot. (I won’t mention the former witch candidate who found God, but you can read about it in her book if you like, the text is easy and doesn’t contain any hard words, not that I’ve read it nor has anyone else for that matter.
There are several Mormons available also, but they don’t speak of being saved so their views might be questionable.
Of course there is a black Republican running for President who I’m sure has found God, but I’ve not paid much attention to his views either, but not because of his skin color.
Two thrice-married candidates have at last found true love. That must mean they found God too, because after all “God is Love”.
There’s now a new character that speaks in “gun metaphors” and has become the nearest thing to a true god to the self-righteous Tea Party members.
What it all boils down to is, if you are a Republican candidate for public office you must believe in God, you must be against gun control and condemn anyone else who doesn’t share your views, you must never help the poor, and above all promise never, never to raise taxes on the wealthy.
I cringe when I hear someone say “I’m a Christian” or “I’ve been saved”. Does that make them special? How so?  Is this what being an American has come to mean?
PS: After seeing an interview with D. Cheney last week, it’s obvious he thinks he is God.


  1. You summarize them well!
    I have the same reaction to that "Christian" claim. Just heard about a "Christian lawyer" who was also a "Swinger" and went through a nasty divorce from his co-swinger wife. Great examples of godliness!

  2. Rick Perry must not have a direct line to heaven. He's been asking Texans to join him in praying for rain in Texas for months, yet the drought and fires continue. He's also been praying for an end to EPA regulations. Good Christian!
