Big Farm by MJM

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Everyone else has a merry Christmas but ours this year was very cheesy, not that that’s a bad thing.  Actually it was wonderful. When our family gets together it always includes a variety of food products in which everyone indulges themselves, from the 80 year olds on down.
What made this year different was the box of gourmet cheeses sent for all of us to enjoy from granddaughter, Victoria and our favorite non-family member, Kevin. Everyone was here when it arrived. About six varieties were unwrapped, crackers and cheese knives were laid out and everyone started to eat.
Everyone was saying you have to try this one or that one. Even the grandchildren were exclaiming how good each kind was. Our sixteen year-old grandson asked me if I had tried the bleu cheese, which I had already decided it was the best I’d ever eaten.

The box arrived on Christmas Eve, on Christmas day, we all gathered again for brunch and a goodbye to the travelers. We sat on our daughter’s screened porch and once again devoured what cheese was left.
All this goes to show that while our family is not into gourmet food, we can certainly tell the difference and appreciate it when served.

Hope your Christmas was as merry as ours.



  1. We're really glad everyone loved the cheese! And it turns out Kevin's mom had also bought fancy cheese for their Christmas celebrations, so we had a doubly cheesy holiday. :-)

  2. I always look forward to Xmas with the family. It's very hard to split time here and with those on the other side of this great overall family. I appreciate both very much!
