Big Farm by MJM

Friday, January 25, 2013


It seemed all the Republican “Show Horses” were in attendance at the hearings or should I say the big assault on Secretary of State Hilary Clinton. They prefaced their questions by first thanking her for her remarkable service to our country then accusing her of various forms of treason.
And guess what! They made it possible for her to give them a taste of what the Democrats have known for quite a while; she would be a great first woman President of the United States.
Some of the asinine statements and questions asked proved the opposition really made a big mistake. Anyone watching Marco Rubio and Rand Paul became well aware that these “Horses” were in no way thoroughbreds and should have been left in the barn.

1 comment:

  1. I hope to see a woman president in my lifetime, but I'm not sure it should be Hilary.
