Big Farm by MJM

Saturday, April 20, 2013

After the capture of the younger Boston Marathon Bomber last evening, the first responders to the situation today were Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham.  Surprise! Surprise!
Young Marco Rubio is still on the tight rope wire, bobbling this way and that way on everything, hoping not to upset any of the moneyed people he owes allegiance to. But don’t be distressed, they will be telling him what his position is any minute now.
In the meantime, the city of Boston and the rest of the United States have breathed a sigh of relief and the survivor will probably contribute lots of valuable information to the authorities. We’ll wait to hear from them, not the “Show Horses”!


  1. I'm really glad you're not letting this company get away with their shoddy sod selling. I was a victim as well. We did everything we could to keep the crappy crud they sold us alive, watering exactly as they advised, but it all died. We hired another company that said they were familiar with these sod shysters, that we were far from being the first "victims." The new supplier's product was clearly much better. You could tell it was cared for differently, and it took root and grew properly after we replaced Sod Farms' failure.

  2. My first comment above related to the previous blog. I thought I had already commented on it before. On this one, I just want to say how much I dislike the political nature of things today. Everyone seemingly has an agenda that's counter to moving the country forward. Way too much time and energy is spent trying to discredit someone else instead of doing what's right.
