Big Farm by MJM

Monday, November 28, 2011


Correct me if you think I’m wrong, but didn’t I hear somewhere that Herman Cain started his campaign for President of the United States in order to get his name “out there” because he had written a book and hoped the press would fall all over him because he’s black and would be the anti-Obama for the Republican Party. He has virtually no staff but a lot of book signings and speaking engagements and he sure can smile. Was his “deer in the headlights” moment on Libya akin to George Bush’s reaction to 9/11? Excuse me, but am I wrong to think he has also shown himself to be a total idiot?

Another thing, didn’t Newt Gingrich start his campaign in order to receive campaign contributions in order to pay off his enormous debts, especially those incurred at a jewelry store? The staffers he hired quit in dismay. Newt knew that with his baggage he couldn’t possibly be elected president, but the money he’d receive while running would be enormous. It doesn’t matter now that every other day he contradicts himself.  His backers love the way he can articulate with big words and sentences that they can’t possibly comprehend, but he sure can sound knowledgeable.

His new book, just out, explains how he’s found God (remember?) and how sorry he is for all his past indiscretions. But as a result of those realizations, he understands his own flaws and is now a far better person, better husband and could honestly be a better President (really?). All this he attributes to his newfound Catholicism.

Now, what does our country have in these two leading candidates for president? Two enormous egos who are tremendously flawed, but if one of them is going to be the real presidential candidate, I know that all Republicans will vote whole heartily for them, ignoring all their gaffs and not caring that we would be the laughing stock of the world.

Wasn’t George Bush bad enough?

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