Big Farm by MJM

Monday, February 17, 2014


How in the world can a jury not convict a man for killing an unarmed young black man? How in the world can an armed man with a history of violence toward two ex-wives get away with murder?

After George Zimmerman got away with the murder of Treyvon Martin which he justified by saying he was in fear for his life, although the teenager was only holding a bag of skittles, you would have thought another jury would see through the lies told by another defense attorney on behalf of his client. Another young black man had no gun, but it took them four days and they still couldn’t convict this murderer, either.

Soon, a seventy year old retired police officer will be on trial for killing an unarmed man, the loving father of a young child. He too felt threatened by a man who was only holding a cell phone and a bag of popcorn.

All three of these brave men had a concealed license permit because this is a cruel world and they have every right to shoot their gun on a whim and call it self-defense.

Wouldn’t it for once be nice to hear one, two or three of these men just for once say they made a grave mistake and beg for mercy from a judge after pleading “Guilty”?

Most responsible parents try to teach their children to own up to their mistakes! It would be a better world if all parents taught their children to respect others by setting a good example themselves.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you sent this one off as a letter to the editor. Good observations in tying these three events together.
