Big Farm by MJM

Tuesday, November 30, 2010



It all started in March when family and friends got together to celebrate an 80th birthday at the outside eating area of a restaurant on Lake Tarpon in Tarpon Springs, Florida and culminated the first week of November on the lake in Mt. Dora, Florida.

Both experiences ended with “the long goodbye” as are all our large family get-togethers.  Everyone hugging a kissing and saying we’d miss each other and promising to keep in touch and then sadness that our time together was over.

However the long goodbye in Mt. Dora was something altogether different. All fifteen of us, missing the four oldest grandchildren who couldn’t be there, gathered together on a street corner, very jubilant, laughing and hugging and kissing filled with the joyful knowledge that we would be together again next month. I thought to myself it doesn’t get any better than this. Amen


  1. It really was a great memorably time. We should plan another outing somewhere next year. I must say the planning process was challenging -- now that everyone has such demanding schedules, but it was worth the effort. Those folks at the Lakeside Inn couldn't have handled it much worse, but it was ideal that we didn't end up going there. The Hampton Inn was much more accommodating, even giving a free room for two nights to the cause. Despite being a short drive from downtown, I think we Millers can say "Everything always works out for the best."

  2. We're definitely game for another outing! Our schedules will be better in the spring semester; I don't think Rich or I will be teaching on Fridays this spring, which makes travel easier for us.

  3. With so many people gathered together, the goodbye process is long and comical almost. It is like the goodnight process on the Waltons. I especially enjoyed when Lucy and I began singing "So long, farewell...." and "I'm so glad we had this time together..." That one is so true, I'm so glad we had this time together!!! We are lucky to do it!
