Big Farm by MJM

Monday, February 28, 2011


In my first blog dated September 5, 2010 the first line told of an acquaintance who had just been arrested. She had moved in with a man she claimed she had married. She also claimed she was a nurse who saved his life when she found him on the floor in the hospital. First, let me say she is unconditionally a big fat liar.

She was arrested after his death for forging documents saying he left her his car, his bank account and the ability to live in his house for five years at no cost. His house was held in a family trust for his two daughters who hired an investigator to prove the fraud.  She had been nursing him in his home when he went into a coma then died. It was suggested she had never called his family to tell of his situation.

Yesterday there was a short article in the paper saying she pled guilty and received 18 months probation. She had been out on bail and will never spend even one day in jail! (unless she breaks the terms of her probation)

She has been surrounded by those who for several years believed every word that came out of her mouth, to the extent that when arrested and needing a court appointed attorney, one of them wondered how that could possibly be when she had that large trust fund in California.

Last year at the age of 57 she married an 82 year old man just before she was arrested. She lives in a rental property owned by one of her biggest supporters.

She gets no jail time and also gets to keep her stupid friends.

(This is so politically incorrect and maybe borders on libel, but hey it’s a blog, right?)

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