Big Farm by MJM

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


People would ask if it bothered me to move so much. I always replied that after living in a house for seven years it became dirty so it was easier to adjust to moving. Now, I never left a house dirty for the new owners, as a matter of fact one new homeowner told me the house was so clean that the woman she hired to clean it couldn’t find anything to do.

The best part of packing up was going through everything you own and throwing out what you don’t want, finding something you forgot about and reorganizing your kitchen drawers and being able to start anew. That was the reason I preferred to pack everything myself and not rely on a moving company to do it for me.

We’ve now lived in our current home for seven years and it’s become dirty but we probably won’t be moving soon or ever again so I’ve got to do something about it. But it’s so hard to get my butt in gear, organizing and making decisions about a lot of totally unnecessary items that I can easily do without.

Maybe I’ll do what I did several years ago and arrange a family garage sale with no money exchanging hands. Everyone gets a number and forms a line to choose from the treasures. Now that I remembered that, I think that’s what I’ll do. Hallelujah!


  1. I've heard that people who lose their homes in a fire aren't always upset at the idea of starting over. I wouldn't wish it on anyone, but I'm sure there's some truth to the idea that it's nice to have an excuse to start over without the clutter of prior years. Of course, it would help to have insurance--and the foresight to save the things that are irreplaceable. p.s. your house isn't dirty!

  2. I know completely wnat you mean about cleaning because of moving. I have 'streamlined' so many times over the years. I try not to buy too much to keep from having too much to go through, but it still slowly compiles. Maybe we could pretend like we are going to move.
