Big Farm by MJM

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


We left Troy, Ohio on a sunny spring day. I was driving the five children and myself to our new home in Pittsburgh. I had wanted to stay to finish cleaning the house after the movers had left, but my Mother said to please leave, she would see to everything that needed to be done.

An hour or two later in Columbus we encountered a blizzard but continued on until the weather cleared.  The rest of the trip was fine until we got to Upper St. Clair where a heavy snow started falling and the roads had became covered. It was dusk by that time and the car was sliding a bit on the steep hills. My seven year old son became petrified having lived all his life in Ohio where we had no hills to speak of. He cried saying we were going to fall off the road.

I told them all we were almost to our home and that things would be fine. Dad would be waiting for us with food and blankets for us to sleep on and that would be exciting.
I didn’t tell them my big concern was I wouldn’t be able to find our house.  I’d only seen it once several months before and the development had winding streets, up and down hills and a lot of dead ends and they were now covered in snow.

I said to the five kids “this is something you’ll remember the rest of your lives”.

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