Big Farm by MJM

Thursday, June 14, 2012


I spent several days writing a piece titled “A Really Nice Guy” about my uncle and when I tried to post it, I had a problem and ended up deleting the whole thing by mistake.  So I’ll give you something totally different instead, something which has been annoying me a great deal.
As you know I’m not happy with all the rotten things going on in Republican politics in the State of Florida. But my latest tirade is on the Pasco County’s Sheriff’s election. Our long time Republican sheriff won re-election and shortly thereafter quit to “spend more time with his children”. Then guess what? The governor of the State of Florida appointed a young replacement sheriff for our county who had worked security for Marco Rubio.  Surprisingly the sheriff’s wife also holds a high position in Governor Rick Scott’s administration. That’s how you get top paying jobs in Florida.
Now on every street and major road that appointed sheriff, who had never lived in our district or been heard of before, has erected huge costly campaign election signs, twice as big as any other local politician’s signs. There is apparently big money behind getting him really elected, possibly the gun lobby?
Here's how things are done in our state. When you get reelected to an office you’ve held for many years, you can then quit with a large pension and benefits and are unabashibly able to say you want to spend time with your family and a new hack will then get appointed to the job rather than going through that big problem of being elected to the office. Then when the time comes for you to run for the office you were appointed to, you’re already firmly entrenched in the position.  So on and on it goes and where it stops nobody knows.
PS. In this morning’s newspaper there is a list of the scheduled appearances by our appointed sheriff announcing the meetings he will attend to speak about his running for re-election. That’s how you do it. Let people think you had already been elected. The voters have such short memories.

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