Big Farm by MJM

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Our family never does anything halfway. Our latest long weekend started on Thursday when our number two daughter flew in from up north. We met for dinner that evening with our number three daughter and the four of us had a fun filled time with our waiter, the beverage person and finally the man in charge of food services. We were there early so there were not many customers at that time, so the waiters kept coming back to trade jokes with us. (Chris always manages to get things going) There was a great deal of laughter from everyone and they’ll surely remember us.
On Friday, Lynn started to work on the 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle that I had laid out on the dining room table.

On Saturday our number one daughter came for brunch before we met with the rest of the family in the afternoon. This was the real reason for all the merriment. Chris’s daughter, our oldest grandchild is having a baby in August, our first great-grandchild, and the little girl is to be named Juliet, called Jules. Jules received many presents and well wishes from our family as well as her step-mother and step-sisters.
Our grandson, whom we hadn’t seen since Christmas and his best friend Joey were also there. Joey is considered family. We met Jeff’s girlfriend and her daughter, almost two year-old Emily. After the half of the party left, there was much dancing in Chris’s office with the middle school, high school and college cousins entertaining Emily and the rest of us.
When we returned home, Melissa and Lynn started to do more work on the puzzle. Melissa left at mid-night, intent on leaving all the white and the red and green pieces for me to finish. I spent the evening reading.
Sunday we met with all the family for lunch before Lynn went to the airport in her rental car. After eating, it was decided to stop at Steve and Jennifer’s (J’s our baby daughter) new office which would open on Monday, so the twelve of us went there to check it out before Lynn left. The office is lovely and so is their web-site.
Before lunch, Lynn had filled in all the white pieces of the big puzzle and left me with about fifty red and green pieces for the big finish. On Monday, I worked on those red and green pieces. They were all identical and it took me two days to finally complete it.
We all congratulated Chris on the lovely shower for Jessica and her baby. We’re all looking forward to meeting the baby when she is born. I hope Chris will have the same happy memories I had when Jessica was born. I had put her in a stroller and knocked on every door of our street so my neighbors could meet my beautiful baby granddaughter. A happy time!

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