Big Farm by MJM

Sunday, July 8, 2012


Last week I accidently came across Condoleezza Rice conversing with Bill O'Reilly. Can you imagine this? When asked about weapons of mass destruction supposedly held by Saddam Hussein in Iraq, she stated that of course he had weapons of mass destruction, had used them before which everyone knew, they were just NOT STOCKPILED! Could this be a new Republican strategy for redemption?
Around about the same time Condoleezza was redeeming her part of the Iraq War, Mrs. Willard Mitt Romney was making a statement that maybe Willard Mitt was going to pick a female vice-presidential candidate. Could she mean Sarah P. or Michelle B. or could she be speaking of the former Secretary of State? You know the one who came before Hillary who will surely be our first female president.
Those Republicans are ahead of everyone aren’t they?

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