Big Farm by MJM

Monday, July 2, 2012

We had just moved to S.C. when a local theater group announced a cast had been chosen for “Oliver”. The music for the show had been a family favorite and we played it constantly, along with other cast recordings of Broadway shows. This was part of a large collection which we listened to for years.
Being familiar with the show, I volunteered to work backstage to handle props and also work with the set designer, a paid employee. The two of us painted, smoked and became great friends. I worked on every show with him. He was also employed by SCETV. (Educational TV) I still cringe when I remember being on top of a very high a-frame ladder while painting leaves on a fake tree for a play the following year, which featured an enormous tree house.  
One day the female director of “Oliver” approached me and asked if I would take over a role played by a man whose acting skills were lacking. It was a small but pivotal part and could be played by a woman and she knew of my acting experience. This was the first time I played an old woman, which I later became known for.
The show was such a success that every performance was sold out for a month and held over for several weeks. Because another play was already scheduled to use the theater, they decided to bring "Oliver" back for several weeks in the summer. I was the only one in the large cast not returning, we had a family vacation planned. The director was not pleased, but the woman who worked backstage with me on props got to play the role.
About our theater: It was an L-shaped  building with a brick patio where opening night parties were held and everyone congregated at intermission for wine or soft drinks. It also featured a large rehearsal room and costume storage area in the upstairs. There was a large area back stage for building and painting sets. I hope sometime to return for a visit, but this part of my life was almost thirty years ago, things change although the theater is still in existence.

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