Big Farm by MJM

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


I’ve been reluctant to write about the two presidential conventions because there is so much to be said “for and against” the events.
I found it difficult to even watch the Republican one because of the things said which I think are total lies. Unfortunately, the Republicans say the same about the Democrats.
The R’s had a diverse bunch of people down in front who always appeared on camera showing that other people of color are welcome to the Party. The D’s had diversity in every group of people shown anywhere on the convention floor.
The R’s had fences, lots of bus difficulties and very few small businesses reaping the rewards because the large groups of wealthy people seemed only to attend catered parties. You could say “there was no joy in Mudville tonight”. You never saw any of the beautiful scenery we have in Florida. Tampa has also been left with an enormous bill for which the Republicans were supposed to pay. The R’s say they don’t have the money to pay for the services they asked for.
In Charlotte, everyone seemed exuberant and all the speeches seemed meaningful. I believed with everything said. My husband said ‘Wouldn’t you rather associate with these people instead of the other ones?” Charlotte, (in a Republican state) welcomed everyone with open arms and weren’t afraid of those D’s.
It’s now a week later and I still feel that the Democrats had a wonderful convention and it’s showing in the polls.
Mitt’s wife had on a bright red shirtwaist dress. (I wore one like that thirty years ago) Michelle wore a beautiful designer one which was basically pink and glowed on her skin. I thought it spectacular, as was her speech.
I think the future of the Democratic Party has been assured. I think the Republicans have a lot of work ahead of them because of all the radicals who have emerged in the last years and all the “”money people” who are trying to buy offices for their own benefits. It’s time they started paying attention to the people who really need help in this economic downturn for which they have been responsible.
After hearing all the young Democratic politicians giving speeches, I feel our party is in good hands. I welcome seeing and hearing from them in the future.



  1. Obama's post-convention bounce, and Romney's lack of one, suggest that a lot of people probably shared your views of the two conventions. Of course, the fact checkers agree with you, too, but the Republicans aren't going to let the fact checkers dictate their campaign.

  2. Looks like it's getting a lot tighter ... the race. Here's to some compelling debates!
