Big Farm by MJM

Thursday, March 7, 2013


I often wonder how George Bush can sleep at night. I read recently that he spends his time painting. Does he ever regret what he has been responsible for?
So many people are dead, so many men and women soldiers as well as civilians tragically wounded as a result of all the lies and half-truths perpetrated by him and Cheney and the rest of their crew. Cheney doesn’t regret any of it and said this week he would do it all over again. That’s rich, don’t you think or maybe I should I say that doing it over again would allow more money to flow into their own pockets.
Now we have another Bush wanting to be president. Bush’s’ one and two had each started two wars.  Jeb wants to be president in the worst way, which says it all. He’s already put his stamp on education in Florida with starting the FCAT and then there’s that policy in Florida to allow more Charter Schools to be opened. The state pays for them, but the owners get the money. Do you know how many of the members of the state legislature own these schools or have a partnership in them?
But to get back to George, you know the guy you’d like to have a beer with? Do you think he sleeps well at night? If he were an honorable man he’d never be able to sleep again.


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