Big Farm by MJM

Thursday, February 28, 2013


This year we saw at least four of the movies nominated for the Oscars. The leading actors in “Silver Linings Playbook” were our favorites, so we were happy when Jennifer Lawrence won.
In the food section of our newspaper immediately after we had seen the movie, there were two recipes for food that the featured actor/mother was serving at a party. We had no idea what “Crabbies” or “Homemades” were.
We were going out to dinner with another couple this week, so we invited them for drinks before going on to the restaurant. Knowing they were movie buffs, I made and served Crabbies.
Crabbies are really good but very rich with a lot of butter and cheese. When you include the crab meat, it becomes expensive. I do have a great many of them left in the freezer, so I’m all set for a family get-to-gather.
Believe it or not, Homemades are actually homemade noodles that really don’t go with Crabbies which was remarked upon in the newspaper article. Served together it really doesn’t make sense.


  1. Silver Linings Playbook (the original book) was written by a La Salle graduate and includes action that takes place on and around our campus, though La Salle and its neighborhood were written out of the movie. Probably just as well, since my recollection is that some of the action included a mugging. I was at a meeting a few of years ago where the chair of our English dept was bragging that one of our graduate's books was being considered very seriously for a Hollywood movie. At the time I thought he was overstating the likelihood of that happening, so it was nice to see that it actually happened!

  2. Rich, Rob, and I finally saw the movie yesterday. We all got a kick out of it--and all laughed about the mom trying to entice people to stay and watch the game by announcing that she was making crabbies and homemades. That was such a cute touch. Her character was so sweet and so believable.

  3. You've made me hungry and interested in this movie. I think I'll try to rent it and eat some crabbies at home while doing so.
