Big Farm by MJM

Friday, February 8, 2013

In a statement yesterday, Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina said President Obama is the person responsible for the deaths of Americans in Bengasi.  As one of the top two Republican Show Horses, he should stop making such ludicrous statements because they don’t make him a statesman.  Everyone knows from all his various sound bites that he’ll never be anything but an “old nag”.
Why do citizens waste their votes on politicians who only spend all their time on belittling people in the other party, who oppose other people’s ideas and can’t do anything constructive for their states or for the country?






1 comment:

  1. Hate that the Bengasi matter is still in the news so long after. I think we can all say mistakes were made and that the administration will learn from them. Politics has motivated making more out of this than should be.
