Big Farm by MJM

Friday, February 15, 2013


Yesterday, I read a very small article in our newspaper.  Jeb Bush along with about five wealthy Cubans in South Florida held a fund raiser for South Carolina’s Senator Lindsay Graham. Can you imagine a fund raiser in southern Florida for Graham?

Then today again, LG showed up spouting his venom against Obama and Bengasi echoed by John (the loser) McCain.  Good Lord! Will they never shut up?

On a sad note, one of the lesser “Show Horses” Marco Rubio, the savior of his party, proved he is not a contender. I don’t think we’ll hear too much from him anymore. (Do you think his thumbs are abnormally long? They mesmerized me as I watched him)

1 comment:

  1. Love your "show horses" references and admire your willingness to speak your mind, especially when others have such opposing views. Being right should always overshadow being right, of course, even when you're in the middle of a community filled with those who leant that way.
