Big Farm by MJM

Friday, July 29, 2011


People are always telling me how easy it is to do something which I don’t understand so I really have to rely on cheat-sheets. For the past ten months, I’ve posted my blog following such a method and now can almost function on my own.

One thing that has bothered me immensely is the fact that when I reread my past blogs, I discover mistakes in my grammar and spelling or in all the endless words I should have edited out but didn’t know how to change. Chris showed me the simple process and I have taken advantage of that and fixed some recent problems.

I had sharpened up my favorite piece and sent it to the food editor of our newspaper. She really liked it and asked for my blog address. Not being able to publish a first person story in the food section, she forwarded it to the Senior Section of the Times, but I don’t have much hope that they will use it. I hope if you haven’t seen the revised version of “My Obsession with Television Cooking Shows” you will reread it now.

PS: I purposely didn’t go to my first posts to change them because I think those past mistakes, of which there were many, were part of my growing process and clearly show my evolvement into a more capable storyteller.

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