Big Farm by MJM

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Everyone else has a merry Christmas but ours this year was very cheesy, not that that’s a bad thing.  Actually it was wonderful. When our family gets together it always includes a variety of food products in which everyone indulges themselves, from the 80 year olds on down.
What made this year different was the box of gourmet cheeses sent for all of us to enjoy from granddaughter, Victoria and our favorite non-family member, Kevin. Everyone was here when it arrived. About six varieties were unwrapped, crackers and cheese knives were laid out and everyone started to eat.
Everyone was saying you have to try this one or that one. Even the grandchildren were exclaiming how good each kind was. Our sixteen year-old grandson asked me if I had tried the bleu cheese, which I had already decided it was the best I’d ever eaten.

The box arrived on Christmas Eve, on Christmas day, we all gathered again for brunch and a goodbye to the travelers. We sat on our daughter’s screened porch and once again devoured what cheese was left.
All this goes to show that while our family is not into gourmet food, we can certainly tell the difference and appreciate it when served.

Hope your Christmas was as merry as ours.


Wednesday, December 19, 2012

After the horrific murders of students and teachers, I’ve waited for a response from law enforcement about the number of guns owned by citizens who feel they need protection from bad people by buying assault weapons.
Years ago, police and sheriffs were quoted in newspapers and television about their concern with private citizens owning body piercing ammunition which had killed many officers, yet I’ve not seen one outcry from them in today’s media. Is the NRA so powerful that Police Chiefs or elected Sheriffs can no longer speak about gun control?

Sunday, December 16, 2012

At a recent meeting, a member of our local NRA bragged that by the end of this year there would be one million people registered to carry concealed weapons. Last week the NRA announced their goal was reached. This particular gun dealer also has been pushing for students at our local community college to be given the right to carry arms on their campus as well as in their classrooms.
Congratulations to the NRA, you succeeded once again in making our state first in another category along with the “stand your ground law”. Congratulations are also in order for our state legislature for their efforts to protect special interest groups, give raises to their favorite employees and deny raises for six years to public servants such as teachers.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

The day Pam Bondi was sworn in as Florida’s Attorney General it was obvious she had another office in mind before she even started her elected duties. She started at that time to speak in ”HEADLINEese” and I couldn’t figure out exactly what she had in mind. Was she already planning on being our next Governor or Senator? Whatever it was, look for more headlines in boldface whenever her name is mentioned.
Just what Florida needs, another self-promoting polititian.
(This is a copy of the letter to the Tampa Bay Times as result of her latest headline "Bondi blasts health law". I almost wrote "Blondi" by mistake which you'll understand because she's extremely blond which can't hurt her chances with the NRA people who love having her at their rallys.) 

Sunday, November 25, 2012


Our Thanksgiving Day was a very happy day for just five family members because so many were gone spending time with others, but they’ll be around for our Christmas get-together.
What made the day special was spending the time with our oldest grandson. His mother, aunt and we grandparents learned about his new job which started several weeks ago. We had no idea what it entailed and were astounded to find that is exactly what he has been striving for since his discharge from the Marine Corps. He happily said he expects to stay in this job for the next 30 years doing what he loves and it includes great benefits, too.  
I, unfortunately, couldn’t remember last year’s dinner which included just the four of us, but this year will stand out for me and my husband. Listening to our grandson cheerfully explain what he is doing while eating an outstanding meal makes for a really Happy Thanksgiving.

Thursday, November 15, 2012


In Florida people tend to forget about ethical miss-steps by the state Republican politicians. We have a governor who cheated Medicare of millions when he was the head of a health organization. Although this came out in his campaign, the Republicans refused to take his cheating into consideration when they voted for him. We received a letter from a friend refuting all of that nonsense and informing us of how wonderful a man he was.
Floridians now have a front runner for the 2016 Presidential election who has an ethical problem himself. In case you never heard, Marco Rubio used his Republican credit card for personal matters, such as paying cleaning bills, getting new tires for his car along with other things. Of course it was all a misunderstanding and he asked that the Republican members of the ethics committee clear him of any misdoing. He refunded the money to the Party and now has a clean slate and is beloved by the losers of the past presidential election.
In case you haven’t noticed, we have a lot of state politicians about whom I’ve written before who are ethically challenged. I think the voters are now receiving that message and we’ll see what happens in the next few years.

Thursday, November 8, 2012


While at a social function, I asked an Englishman a question about politics in his country. He rudely said that “my friend” Tony Blair was a crook who made millions while in office and is still stealing from the people. He ranted that all politicians are crooks!!!
I asked him how he votes at home. He said he never votes!!
This was basically our entire conversation.


Thursday, November 1, 2012


Funny or pathetic is what I heard on MSNBC late last evening.
Mitt Romney held a non-campaign event (?) on Tuesday in Ohio. This was to help those victims of Hurricane Sandy. He asked that food be brought to where he was holding the non-event to be sent to the Red Cross which had already asked that food not be sent to the East Coast.
Here’s what happened the evening before, according to the TV program. Romney aides went to the local Wal-Mart and spent $5,000 on small items such as granola bars and peanut butter and laid them out on tables at the non-political event.
When people arrived they were at first turned away because they had brought no food donations with them. The aides got a little wiser and stacked some food stuffs at the end of the long tables and if the visitors had nothing to give, they were told to pick up something and hand it to the candidate. Two teen-age boys each picked up a jar of peanut butter gave them to Romney who shook their hands and thanked them for their help.
This is the man a large percentage of Americans are voting for, not because they love him (most don’t even like him) but to get rid of a black man who is our President. What a shameful group of people. People all over the world are aghast at what has happened to a country they once had great respect for. (at least they did before George Bush became president and started a war that is still going on)


Wednesday, October 31, 2012


It took two days on the bus to get to Washington DC with a group of thirty-one seniors who were visiting the Capital in late October. We did all the sights with a remarkable guide who knew all the ins and outs of the Capital streets, we walked the grounds of the White House and everywhere was just teeming with residents and tourists enjoying the perfect weather. I’ll tell you about all that later.
Right now you’ll hear of the “right of passage” I had as a bus passenger. There is always a bathroom on a long distance bus tour. However, you’re told that the bus will stop every two hours to be able to use the facilities at a fast food place or state rest area.
I usually take a prescribed water pill in the morning for blood pressure, but I ‘m a smart person, so I hold off on taking my pills until later when I know it won’t be a problem. For five days I did this.
On the sixth day we left Florence, S.C. for the last leg of our trip. Everyone got up with the knowledge that we would be home in time for dinner and that our stops would be few. We had a lovely breakfast at our motel and as we left, I realized I had stupidly taken my water pill.
Now I started to feel uncomfortable. What if when we stop several hours later, I’ll get up and not be able to control myself? Two hours later, we pull off the highway to stop at a McDonalds, only to discover there wasn’t one and no other fast food place for our large bus. Our guide asked how many had to use a restroom. I was the only one to hold up my hand. I was asked to hold it for a while if I could, so I agreed.
After fifteen minutes or so, I decided to use the bathroom on the bus. I moved to the back where I was told by the people sitting there to not close the door all the way because it would lock and I wouldn’t be able to get out. I was to leave it ajar and someone would hold it closed with their foot.
This sixty passenger bus was not the smooth riding one we would normally be on for a long trip, so there was a lot of bouncing around. This was my first experience “doing my business” on a bus. There is a handle on either side of the door to hang onto. Pulling down slacks and underwear is a little difficult with one hand, but pulling them up is almost impossible, what with the bus bouncing and the door swinging. Finally I was able to open the door the whole way to leave, when the bus suddenly stops and the guide announced I was to be first one off the bus.
That wasn’t necessary now as I climbed out. My legs were shaking with all the stress of trying to stay upright in the facility. We were at a state rest stop, so the bus was parked in an upper area reserved for trucks and busses. It was a long walk to the restrooms, so by the time I got inside there were long lines of waiting women and I realized that the best thing I did was to use the bus facilities. I told anyone who was interested that the experience was enlightening. Bus restrooms are not made for women only for men.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Just one word is saying it all. I noticed this several weeks ago and realized everyone is using it to describe everything. I thought I, myself never used it.

The word is AMAZING. Everything is AMAZING, no matter what the subject is. I kept noticing how everyone is using it. But I didn’t think I ever used it, until we visited Washington DC over the last weekend.
I noticed I used it to describe being in the White House Gardens and seeing the West Wing and the Rose Garden. “This is so amazing” I said over and over again, when we saw things we never expected to see in person. Then I noticed I said it more and more on every tour we took.
The whole experience was AMAZING.
The word is so overused and I’ll try not to say it again. But what can I say, when we see our first great-grandchild this weekend? She’s “AMAZING I’m sure will come out of all our mouths.

Friday, October 5, 2012


I heard a man on the radio saying that he is a Conservative. When he explained his position, I understood and agreed that I probably was one, too. Growing up, his parents instilled values in him that he carried all his life.
He was an older gentleman who said when he became an adult, with adult responsibilities; he was very conservative in buying his first car. Looking for the best price on a small car, he bought one which would fill his needs, not something flashy and racy. He said that as he got older, he bought a home that he could afford and didn’t try to impress his friends. He had a comfortable life and didn’t envy other people. When traveling he stayed at nice hotels, but not the ones advertised where the rich and famous supposedly frolic.
He has had a “rich” life and has been basically content being conservative with liberal values. Retired now, he volunteers helping the poor. His children were raised with the same conservative values.
This type of “Conservative” person is not the same as the ones you see and hear during the present presidential campaign.


Monday, September 24, 2012


As you are well aware, I basically read only fiction but claim I learn a lot of basic psychology from those books
Recently I wrote about favoring one child over another in your family depending on the circumstances. In reading the book “Lone Wolf” by Jodi Picoult, I was struck by how well one of the main characters spoke about her own feelings which parallels mine. Probably the same feelings that other parents feel about their own children, so I’m going to quote you a paragraph.
It’s not politically correct to say that you love one child more than you love your others. I love all my kids, period, and they’re all my favorites in different ways. But ask any parent who’s been through some kind of crisis surrounding a child---a health scare, an academic snarl, an emotional problem---and we will tell you the truth. When something upends the equilibrium---when one child needs you more than the others---that imbalance becomes a black hole. You may never admit it out loud, but the one you love most is the one who needs you more desperately than his siblings. What we really hope is that each child gets a turn. That we have deep enough reserves to be there for each of them, at different times.


Tuesday, September 11, 2012


I’ve been reluctant to write about the two presidential conventions because there is so much to be said “for and against” the events.
I found it difficult to even watch the Republican one because of the things said which I think are total lies. Unfortunately, the Republicans say the same about the Democrats.
The R’s had a diverse bunch of people down in front who always appeared on camera showing that other people of color are welcome to the Party. The D’s had diversity in every group of people shown anywhere on the convention floor.
The R’s had fences, lots of bus difficulties and very few small businesses reaping the rewards because the large groups of wealthy people seemed only to attend catered parties. You could say “there was no joy in Mudville tonight”. You never saw any of the beautiful scenery we have in Florida. Tampa has also been left with an enormous bill for which the Republicans were supposed to pay. The R’s say they don’t have the money to pay for the services they asked for.
In Charlotte, everyone seemed exuberant and all the speeches seemed meaningful. I believed with everything said. My husband said ‘Wouldn’t you rather associate with these people instead of the other ones?” Charlotte, (in a Republican state) welcomed everyone with open arms and weren’t afraid of those D’s.
It’s now a week later and I still feel that the Democrats had a wonderful convention and it’s showing in the polls.
Mitt’s wife had on a bright red shirtwaist dress. (I wore one like that thirty years ago) Michelle wore a beautiful designer one which was basically pink and glowed on her skin. I thought it spectacular, as was her speech.
I think the future of the Democratic Party has been assured. I think the Republicans have a lot of work ahead of them because of all the radicals who have emerged in the last years and all the “”money people” who are trying to buy offices for their own benefits. It’s time they started paying attention to the people who really need help in this economic downturn for which they have been responsible.
After hearing all the young Democratic politicians giving speeches, I feel our party is in good hands. I welcome seeing and hearing from them in the future.


Friday, September 7, 2012


I saw a commercial recently featuring our “Tea Party Governor” saying he was now planning on getting rid of the “teaching to the test” policy in Florida. Meaning he is planning on doing away with the FCAT testing done in the Florida Public Schools.
On seeing this ad was supposedly paid for by the Republican Party, I was totally shocked. I have always been against that test which I felt was not an effective way to educate our children. I’m all for getting rid of this test, but I found it strange that the Governor was coming out with this ad and it was paid for by the Republican Party.
Why was I confused? Jeb Bush was the one who pushed this through when he was our "education" Governor and his brother, George, was called the “education” President. Now Jeb is planning on his big run in several years. He would not be happy with Scott doing away with his “baby”.
What I concluded is that Scott is getting ready for his re-election campaign and ridding the state of the test would make our residents very happy and maybe feel better about voting for him. I waited for an article in the newspapers about this because it would be big news, maybe even a huge headline for him.
But what happened? I have not seen the ad on television since the one time I did see it, nor was there any news about it on TV or in our newspapers. I really think he sneaked this by the state party and when they and Bush saw it, it was immediately pulled off the airways. Interesting huh?


Tuesday, August 28, 2012



Today after putting groceries in my car trunk, I was waiting for a gentleman to close his car door so I could get into my driver’s seat. He was taking a long time and finally turned to me and said with a slight sneer ”am I holding you back?” I replied very nicely and with a laugh that he was. He looked at the re-elect Obama button I was wearing and made a derisive noise to let me know who he was voting for, so I said “good luck”.
I will describe the man to you. He was about 50 years old, overweight with tattoos on his neck and arms and the baggy shorts he was wearing were hanging half off his rear end. He did have plaid underwear on, so he wasn’t totally disgusting. I can’t imagine what kind of work he did, but immediately thought he was probably one of the NRA members who live everywhere in our county and maybe his pants were falling down because of the weight of his concealed weapon.
As I got into the car, I thought that if he had met Romney himself, the former governor would probably not shake his hand or if he did, he’d later wipe it off.  I’d do the same thing myself. I thought thank goodness he isn’t a Democrat.

Monday, August 27, 2012



One week ago today our first great-grandchild was born, her name is Juliet Elizabeth.  I saw a video of her when she was several days old and I must say she is very beautiful. All the rest of the family agree that she is something special.


Tuesday, August 21, 2012


My very old friend asked me why I’ve become so political in my blog. I had to stop and think how all this happened.
I distinctly remember when George Bush was elected president, I went next door to my neighbor, who was a Republican and said to her (very nicely because I liked her) that I hope she realized that she had just voted for a war. Her reply was, no she just felt he was “rattling the sabers” for Saddam Hussein to realize he meant business. I told her she was totally wrong and we were going to war.
Then what happened? If you were against the war you were un-American and not patriotic. I remember riding in a car and the street was lined with people protesting the war and the signs they were holding up said “Honk if you’re against going to war”. I said to the driver “aren’t you going to honk” and he said no because Iraq had WPD’s and Bush was all for keeping America safe. I said to him “remember this: Iraq has no weapons of mass destruction!”
The result is that George and Dick and friends made a lot of money, but the cost of the war impacted the United States so much that we have now have an enormous budget deficit as a result. If you don’t believe me, don’t you wonder why George Bush has had no say in the last two major elections for President? The Republicans know they were all wrong, and now they’re trying to make two wrongs into a right. The Republicans have destroyed the middle class as we know it.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

I spend a great deal of time watching TV shows about young people buying their first homes or those in search of a new place when they’ve been transferred from another state. I’m always interested in seeing how the houses are decorated and what changes in decor will be made after they’ve moved in with their own furnishings.
The buyers always have a choice of three places, although it’s obvious that they have looked at others. The majority want a house with three bedrooms, two baths and a must have kitchen, featuring granite counter tops and stainless steel appliances. Nothing else will do.
There are also those persons who have specific wishes which are hard to find in their price range. There was one woman recently who wanted a Victorian home with this feature and that feature, but she never found exactly what she wanted. She complained about everything and I disliked her very much. She and her husband had the choice of two beautiful homes and one with weird features. They chose the weird one which shocked me, so I couldn’t wait to see how she had decorated it because I figured that it would have a wow factor, what with all her antiques. In showing us her now livable home at the end of the show, I was astonished to see black leather furniture in the living room and a sheer red cloth on their chrome dining room table.
It’s all a matter of taste.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


You can’t help noticing all the signs of local and state politicians running for office or for re-election on every highway and byway.
Yesterday, I remarked to my husband that I now feel sorry for the incumbent school superintendent who is running for a third term. Here is a woman who was totally unqualified for the job to begin with, but was bolstered by our local Republicans as a great educator although she only has an associate degree from our community college then finished her education with a degree at one of our state colleges. She taught school for a while before entering politics.
Why do I feel sorry for her? Her friends are no longer her friends simply because they are now friends with someone who has no more qualifications as an educator but has more clout. 
I sincerely feel badly for the woman who unfortunately according to the latest news now has large numbers of Democratic teachers registering as Republicans in order to vote against her. It’s obvious they don’t feel she is qualified to be their leader.
Don’t you think it’s time for the job of the Pasco Superintendent of Schools to be filled by a qualified educator not another elected politician?

Monday, July 30, 2012


Last week I was watching CNN when Piers Morgan was interviewing Ted Turner, the originator of the 24 hour news channel.
I’d not thought of Ted in many years, but it brought to mind the few times we met and spoke with Ted at various events around the city of Atlanta.
 My husband started his new job Director of Marketing with The National Bank of Georgia in October 1997 and was at the OMNI the night where everyone awaited the presidential election returns. The president of the bank was Jimmy Carter’s best friend, campaign manager and later head of the OMB in Washington DC., so my husband was working with very well-known people until the bank was sold four years later.
On June 1, 1998, Ted Turner officially started the Cable News Network. (CNN) The affair was out of doors and open to the public, but even though we were invited, we chose not to go because it was very, very hot and no one was sure a 24 hour news network would even last.
We attended many large events where Ted showed up. I specifically remember when three of us were talking to him at a cocktail party and although we were in a conversation, his eyes were darting elsewhere to see who else was in the room. I was talking to a judge later and told him about Ted’s being able to carry on a conversation while scanning the room. The judge told me the only other person he’d seen able to do that was Teddy Kennedy.

One night we were seated at a cabaret show and a very nice woman joined us. Her boss hadn’t been able to attend so he gave her the ticket. That’s right, her boss was Ted Turner and she was his executive assistant. The job required her to be always by his side. She got the job through a fluke, she had accompanied her friend who was interviewing for the position when Ted called her in too, talked for a few minutes and told her to start the next day. He never asked if she wanted the job. When we saw him on the national news at the Newport Yacht Races, the cameras constantly followed him and we saw her walking right beside him taking notes.

More about life in Atlanta later.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

I really believe that after Obama is re-elected that the gun lobby will lose the power they have over elections. More and more Americans will finally take to the streets to say no to the monstrous amount of guns sold in the United States, which now makes it possible for all the nuts in this country to attack and kill innocent people.
After the shootings in Colorado, one of the locals remarked that if any in the audience had been armed the amount of people shot would have been much less. That’s another of those intelligent people who probably carry guns to weddings, baptism’s and funerals at church and the movies.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Our family never does anything halfway. Our latest long weekend started on Thursday when our number two daughter flew in from up north. We met for dinner that evening with our number three daughter and the four of us had a fun filled time with our waiter, the beverage person and finally the man in charge of food services. We were there early so there were not many customers at that time, so the waiters kept coming back to trade jokes with us. (Chris always manages to get things going) There was a great deal of laughter from everyone and they’ll surely remember us.
On Friday, Lynn started to work on the 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle that I had laid out on the dining room table.

On Saturday our number one daughter came for brunch before we met with the rest of the family in the afternoon. This was the real reason for all the merriment. Chris’s daughter, our oldest grandchild is having a baby in August, our first great-grandchild, and the little girl is to be named Juliet, called Jules. Jules received many presents and well wishes from our family as well as her step-mother and step-sisters.
Our grandson, whom we hadn’t seen since Christmas and his best friend Joey were also there. Joey is considered family. We met Jeff’s girlfriend and her daughter, almost two year-old Emily. After the half of the party left, there was much dancing in Chris’s office with the middle school, high school and college cousins entertaining Emily and the rest of us.
When we returned home, Melissa and Lynn started to do more work on the puzzle. Melissa left at mid-night, intent on leaving all the white and the red and green pieces for me to finish. I spent the evening reading.
Sunday we met with all the family for lunch before Lynn went to the airport in her rental car. After eating, it was decided to stop at Steve and Jennifer’s (J’s our baby daughter) new office which would open on Monday, so the twelve of us went there to check it out before Lynn left. The office is lovely and so is their web-site.
Before lunch, Lynn had filled in all the white pieces of the big puzzle and left me with about fifty red and green pieces for the big finish. On Monday, I worked on those red and green pieces. They were all identical and it took me two days to finally complete it.
We all congratulated Chris on the lovely shower for Jessica and her baby. We’re all looking forward to meeting the baby when she is born. I hope Chris will have the same happy memories I had when Jessica was born. I had put her in a stroller and knocked on every door of our street so my neighbors could meet my beautiful baby granddaughter. A happy time!

Sunday, July 8, 2012


Last week I accidently came across Condoleezza Rice conversing with Bill O'Reilly. Can you imagine this? When asked about weapons of mass destruction supposedly held by Saddam Hussein in Iraq, she stated that of course he had weapons of mass destruction, had used them before which everyone knew, they were just NOT STOCKPILED! Could this be a new Republican strategy for redemption?
Around about the same time Condoleezza was redeeming her part of the Iraq War, Mrs. Willard Mitt Romney was making a statement that maybe Willard Mitt was going to pick a female vice-presidential candidate. Could she mean Sarah P. or Michelle B. or could she be speaking of the former Secretary of State? You know the one who came before Hillary who will surely be our first female president.
Those Republicans are ahead of everyone aren’t they?

Friday, July 6, 2012


When I woke up this morning at 7:30, my husband had already left for the golf course. I thought I’d try to go back to sleep which I did until 10:15 am. I was so disappointed when I woke up because I was having a wonderful dream.
My dream: My husband and I had gone to the Hard Rock Casino and I put a quarter in the poker machine. All these bells go off and I realize I have hit a jackpot. We pick up a basket next to the machine to put all the chips in and they bring us a pallet holding one million dollars in cash which we have to take to the office. We turn over all the money and chips to be counted. I explain to my husband who never goes with me to the casino that we will have to pay the tax immediately and will probably get a large check for the rest. We are escorted to a back room and left there waiting for the outcome. I tell him I figure there is at least $20,000 or more in chips as well as the million in dollars.
We keep awaiting the outcome and are introduced to the head person doing the counting but she has other duties to perform before we are able to leave. As we’re sitting there, we think of calling the kids, but it’s better to wait until we know the final amount and will do so when we get home. I thought what I would do with all that money. Here was my plan: $10,000 to each of the five, which would be tax free. For ourselves, I would do things to the kitchen and buy a new car. The rest would be put aside.
Before the final tally, I awoke extremely disappointed,  then it dawned on me that what I had planned in my dream is exactly what I’ve always thought I’d do if I actually did win the lottery.

(For those who don’t know, I go with a group every other month to the casino by bus. We pay $15.00 for the bus ride and receive in $25.00 in free play coupons and $5.00 towards food. All in all a good deal and I sometimes win a few dollars. Last month I lost $10.00. All slot machines are now automated and no chips are used, so my dream is not what would have happened if had come true. I now know how I’d feel if I ever did win the casino jackpot or the lottery.)

Monday, July 2, 2012

We had just moved to S.C. when a local theater group announced a cast had been chosen for “Oliver”. The music for the show had been a family favorite and we played it constantly, along with other cast recordings of Broadway shows. This was part of a large collection which we listened to for years.
Being familiar with the show, I volunteered to work backstage to handle props and also work with the set designer, a paid employee. The two of us painted, smoked and became great friends. I worked on every show with him. He was also employed by SCETV. (Educational TV) I still cringe when I remember being on top of a very high a-frame ladder while painting leaves on a fake tree for a play the following year, which featured an enormous tree house.  
One day the female director of “Oliver” approached me and asked if I would take over a role played by a man whose acting skills were lacking. It was a small but pivotal part and could be played by a woman and she knew of my acting experience. This was the first time I played an old woman, which I later became known for.
The show was such a success that every performance was sold out for a month and held over for several weeks. Because another play was already scheduled to use the theater, they decided to bring "Oliver" back for several weeks in the summer. I was the only one in the large cast not returning, we had a family vacation planned. The director was not pleased, but the woman who worked backstage with me on props got to play the role.
About our theater: It was an L-shaped  building with a brick patio where opening night parties were held and everyone congregated at intermission for wine or soft drinks. It also featured a large rehearsal room and costume storage area in the upstairs. There was a large area back stage for building and painting sets. I hope sometime to return for a visit, but this part of my life was almost thirty years ago, things change although the theater is still in existence.

Monday, June 25, 2012


Our Workshop Theater Company in Columbia hosted a weekend regional conference for other theaters within our state. On the final day, there was a dinner and our guest speaker was a young Tony Award winning actress. Don’t ask me her name, because I can’t remember it. What I do remember is that after the festivities, about three women and I spent a wonderful time with her seated at a round table.  It was late and she would be returning to her lonely hotel room, so we sat and just talked about many things besides acting.
She was single and we expressed sorrow for her being alone in the big city, so she sheepishly said she had an arrangement. This was about thirty years ago when it was not the norm to have live-in relationships. She was so charming and open we all laughed when she told us. She never became really famous or I would have remembered her name. I’ve often wondered if she ever appeared on Broadway again.
One thing I do remember is her telling about her best friend, the niece of Katherine Hepburn. The two of them spent a great deal of time at Ms. Hepburn’s home, which they loved. There was only one rule. When Spenser Tracey was in residence, they were told they had to disappear.
It’s always fascinating to hear those little tidbits about famous people.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


When we moved to Columbia, South Carolina we found it was truly a wonderful place in which to live. Columbia is the state capital as well as the site of the University. The Capital and main campus of the school are virtually side by side at the end of Main Street where everything is within walking distance, including department stores, shops, restaurants and hotels. I felt we were living in a small town atmosphere complete with diagonal parking.
On the local PBS station there was a show produced by the University called “The Writers Workshop”. The journalism department invited known writers to conduct classes with students, which were televised. The host for the series was George Plimpton and also featured authors who were professors on the staff. James Dickey the poet was one.  Another was William Priced Fox, a truly southern fiction writer. The hit movie “Nashville” was based on one of his many novels.
Our son had just started his first year at Berry College in Georgia when we moved to South Carolina. Every student at that small liberal arts school is guaranteed a paying job on campus, which we were grateful for. It’s a beautiful school and our son loved being there, but unfortunately classes in his major were not available and by January he was on academic probation.
In the meantime, in Columbia at a local high school we saw that William Price Fox was holding a seminar on writing which was open to the public. My husband and I attended and were able to talk to Bill about our son. He told us to have Chuck monitor his classes when he came home on spring break, which he did.
After transferring to USC, Chuck was mentored by Bill Fox and Franklin Ashley, another author.  He graduated with a degree in journalism and worked as a writer for “The State” newspaper before moving to Florida, where he now lives with his wife and three children. He also has a very successful public relations/marketing firm.
The three years we lived in South Carolina I consider it to be the experience of a lifetime for all of us. Besides enabling our son to realize his dreams, if you've read my earlier blogs, you would know what an exciting time it was for me, too.

Thursday, June 14, 2012


I spent several days writing a piece titled “A Really Nice Guy” about my uncle and when I tried to post it, I had a problem and ended up deleting the whole thing by mistake.  So I’ll give you something totally different instead, something which has been annoying me a great deal.
As you know I’m not happy with all the rotten things going on in Republican politics in the State of Florida. But my latest tirade is on the Pasco County’s Sheriff’s election. Our long time Republican sheriff won re-election and shortly thereafter quit to “spend more time with his children”. Then guess what? The governor of the State of Florida appointed a young replacement sheriff for our county who had worked security for Marco Rubio.  Surprisingly the sheriff’s wife also holds a high position in Governor Rick Scott’s administration. That’s how you get top paying jobs in Florida.
Now on every street and major road that appointed sheriff, who had never lived in our district or been heard of before, has erected huge costly campaign election signs, twice as big as any other local politician’s signs. There is apparently big money behind getting him really elected, possibly the gun lobby?
Here's how things are done in our state. When you get reelected to an office you’ve held for many years, you can then quit with a large pension and benefits and are unabashibly able to say you want to spend time with your family and a new hack will then get appointed to the job rather than going through that big problem of being elected to the office. Then when the time comes for you to run for the office you were appointed to, you’re already firmly entrenched in the position.  So on and on it goes and where it stops nobody knows.
PS. In this morning’s newspaper there is a list of the scheduled appearances by our appointed sheriff announcing the meetings he will attend to speak about his running for re-election. That’s how you do it. Let people think you had already been elected. The voters have such short memories.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Many years ago I attended a women’s luncheon where the guest of honor was an unknown author who was scheduled to speak on his experiences as a writer. He had a reputation for writing magazine articles although none of the audience had ever heard of him. He started telling us about a book he had written which would be published sometime in the near future.
The author proceeded to tell us the story of his family. Everything he related was how the original male member of his family had come years ago to America. The story had been told orally by the females of the family. By rote they told how so and so begat so and so as the generations grew. The older story tellers of the last century could neither read nor write, so they would impart the tales of each family member descended from that time to keep their family history alive.
We were spellbound hearing the author relate how he had traced his ancestor who was kidnapped in Africa and brought to America by slave traders. The author was Alex Haley, his ancestor’s name was Kunta Kinte and the book published in 1976 was titled “Roots”.
I still feel privileged to have heard in great detail how he had come to write this great book after listening to the stories told by the elderly women of his family.

Friday, June 1, 2012


I’ve been wondering recently whether I’ve been dwelling too much about the past in my thoughts. When I wake in the middle of the night, I start remembering a lot of things that occurred in my early years, but they’re not usually very important memories.
As you’ve probably noticed, I’m not a deep thinker, but that doesn’t mean stupidity, I’d just rather look at the light side of things. I’ve always enjoyed humor and would rather laugh instead of cry. However, real life gets in the way sometimes and makes you stop and think, so the many nocturnal musings keep coming.
It’s been said that the years spent in high school are the ones you’ll remember most. I can still recall those mean girls, which I laugh about today. Also, the basic things I learned in my English classes are really an asset to me in my writing.
So I guess you could say my yesterdays are rather important to me today in many ways. With regard to my tomorrows, I’ll still read my horoscope, hope to win the lottery and be able to say goodbye to my children in a more enlightened manner.
By the way, I’m still not sure about heaven in case you’re interested.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


My goodness, I was playing bridge last week and discovered my good friend is having another birthday. So what, you say? Well, she’ll be 98 years old, that’s what and it’s unbelievable how she still plays cards very well. Much better than me but then she has played longer, I’m only 81.
She still dresses beautifully although she says her clothes are old. The clothes are really in great shape because how can they possibly get dirty. She certainly isn’t working in the yard, scrubbing floors or even making spaghetti sauce. Of course, I don’t do much of that either.
Physically she’s in great shape like her clothes, except for her watering eyes. She says her doctor tells her he can’t do anything about that. I say that’s just an excuse, she‘s really crying because she just lost that last round.
Truthfully, I can say I’m really glad I met her and am always delighted to see her.  I wish her many more happy birthdays.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


About twenty seven years ago, when we lived in South Carolina, everyone was talking about something which happened that no one could understand. A popular male hairdresser died a horrifying death and people whispered about it because no one could understand what had really happened to him. No one knew what the symptoms were or what went on with his body.
It was quite a while before anyone found out what AIDS was and why so many others died the same horrifying deaths.
This was all brought to mind after seeing an interview last week with Magic Johnson the former basketball star. Hundreds and hundreds of sexual encounters with women in the cities where he played was the reason he developed the HIV virus. Because he has received what is called a cocktail of drugs, he is still alive today. How fortunate for him.
Remember when this disease was in the news daily, the subject of many television dramas and award winning movies? The worldwide epidemic is still in existence but very seldom spoken about, because we’ve moved onto other things to worry about.
Don’t you wonder what’s new with the Kardashians this week?

Friday, May 18, 2012


Not too many people are willing to compromise even to their own detriment, so it’s refreshing when two or three Florida State Republicans are at least showing concern for us citizens. This week there’s a meeting arranged by one Republican State Senator dealing with insurance and sinkholes which is on the mind of every homeowner in our community.
The county we live in is considered the sinkhole capital of our state. The only insurance we can get now is through the Citizens Insurance Company which was created shortly before we had all the hurricanes which devastated the state. All the major insurance companies raised their rates so very few owners could afford to pay them. Some people opted to pay the high premiums. All the major companies stopped writing policies on storm damage, but they’re still willing to insure your cars or any accident you might be in. It’s been stated that all the laws coming out of Tallahassee, our state capital, regarding insurance are controlled by lobbyists who represent the large insurance companies that refuse to insure storm and sinkhole problems.
Now our beloved Citizens Insurance Company won’t write sinkhole insurance anymore, though we will still be covered if our house in uninhabitable. That means if our house and all our possessions fall down a big hole, we’ll be OK. In the meantime, Citizens is cutting many of the things that were in our original policy, but are still trying to raise our rates thirty per cent.
It takes a while for people to understand what goes on in our state. I saw a sticker on someone’s car yesterday that said “I’m a Proud Member of the Florida State Republican Party” and I said to myself “that’s one stupid SOB”!


Saturday, May 12, 2012


After I wrote yesterday about my eternal reading, an article appeared in today’s paper which pointed out something I had always felt was true, but never really expressed to anyone.
In the Boston Globe, Jonathan Gottschall makes the case that reading fiction makes it easier for us to understand people. Read “Why fiction is good for you” at Reading fiction shapes us for the better not for the worst, and may help explain why humans tell stories in the first place.
All my life I have read fiction, it’s really escapism but regardless, I feel better equipped to understand why some people do things harmful to themselves and to others. Also I’ve learned that fiction it’s not really all about happy endings, maybe just conclusions that we are compelled to think about. That is what happens to me a lot.
So after years of being maligned for reading only fiction, I can hold my head high because someone wrote I’m doing something that’s actually good for me.

Friday, May 11, 2012


How do you remember Mama? If you asked my five children that question, they would all answer in unison “with a cigarette in one hand and a book in the other”. And that’s true. I was always reading and smoking, but I really did other things as well.
None could say they were neglected, which they weren’t. They would truthfully say they were never told they were loved either by their mother or their father. In those days I can’t remember hearing any other parent really saying that to their kids, but we showed love by our actions.
But to go on about my smoking and reading, reading was always my special reward. I would never read until all my work was done for the day. Another thing, when I married I vowed to always be there when my children came home from school. I knew from experience how much I wanted someone to be there for me. As for smoking, I ‘m glad none of them followed my example and became smokers.
I still reward myself with reading. You’ll always see me with a book in my hands, no cigarette but with snacks nearby, which is the only thing I feel guilty about now.

Sunday, May 6, 2012


I like to watch David Letterman at 11:30 pm. The first ten minutes he usually spends on political humor. On Thursday night there was reference to an audience member who was apparently very loud mouthed during the warm up before the show and David kept joking about him throughout his opening remarks, so the cameras were on the man many times. That overweight guffawing white man was from South Carolina which probably says it all.
After all the funny stuff skewering W. Mitt Romney, David asked the audience if any of them would be voting for him and there was a lot of applause. I could see Letterman was taken aback by their reactions; I mean really, really taken aback, it normally doesn’t happen that way, but it just proves that no matter what Romney has said in the past, or in the future, there will be a lot of people who will vote for him all the while holding their noses. What I’m saying is what I’ve said all along, those ignorant people will vote party line, the same as they did for George Bush whom they now never dare to speak of.
Speaking of G. Bush, remember his declaration about the war being over after he climbed down from a just landed Navy Jet while carrying his flight helmet in triumph. He landed the plane all by himself, according to one less than truthful aide.One of my art club members told me he himself was a retired carrier pilot and that Bush could not have done that. Those pilots go through extensive training which takes a great deal of time to land just right in order to be grabbed by that big hook that stops them safely. I’d love to hear from the pilot that actually did that landing. There was not much truth coming out of the Bush administration, ever.

Thursday, May 3, 2012


I can no longer clean the way I used to. Keeping up your house is a matter of organization. Besides laundry day, there used to be an ironing day but Wednesdays I kept just for myself then had another laundry day.  On Friday there was cleaning the house including the bathrooms. Floors were scrubbed, polished or vacuumed. When I finished I felt a pride of accomplishment. With the several large homes we owned it took two days to clean everything but I didn’t mind.
Now I feel a sense of accomplishment if I just finish anything. I will plan to clean out the refrigerator and I just might do it in two or three days.
One thing I do keep up on is the laundry and a little ironing. My clothes are clean and orderly and I dust furniture once in a while. If you really look, you’ll probably notice there’s dust on the tables. Right now I can see it, but I really have to shower and go to the library. Maybe later I’ll do it. ‘Course if I have a party everything will be spotless and everyone will think that’s the norm in my house and in my life.

Saturday, April 28, 2012


I just happened to glance in the wall mirror today and saw me with all my wrinkles. I now really look like the eighty-one year old woman I am. Later, when I shower and put on make-up and comb my hair, I’ll still be the same wrinkly person.
Tomorrow, I will meet for the first time the people whom I will probably spend some time with this year. I paid fifty dollars for a luncheon which is a fundraiser for the newly inspired Democratic Party of Pasco County. I have been on their mailing list for several months and have spoken with the gentleman who is behind the push for people in this county to run for public office. I had told him I wasn’t able to go door-to- door but could help in an office.
Once again my life seems to be changing. Several days ago, I received a script from the director/writer of the “Old Times Radio Show’. I was informed last month that he was so taken by my acting he wanted to write something for me. He has now written a dramatic half hour show for a cast of three. My character has had a tragic experience in her life. When I first read it, I wandered how I could do it, but after reading it out loud several times, I realized he capitalized on what he had seen me do and it really is for me. This is a first for his group, because they have only done old radio comedy show scripts.
With a recent tragedy in my life, which I cannot speak of now, I find I feel my heart is broken, my life is over and the tears don’t stop. Then something else pops up to renew my energy and I have new hope.
Looking in the mirror though, I still see the same sad person.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Yesterday the grocery clerk at checkout asked me how I was doing. I told him I actually felt really good because my husband agreed with something I had done. I told him that in sixty years of marriage that had very seldom happened, so I was really elated about it
This morning my husband told me he thought it all over and that he now felt I was totally wrong in what I had done and would have to suffer the consequences of my actions.
So I should have buried my head in the sand and never expressed my own point of view regardless of whether it was right or wrong? That was the story of my life until about eight years ago when I found my own voice. I never spoke out for myself, but I now speak out at meetings, write of my frustrations and have found a group of people who really appreciate my acting talents. And if I express an opinion, I will still feel good about it because I at least spoke out.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


“I’M SORRY YOUR SON IS DEAD” This was the apology for killing their son.
In addition, he said he thought the boy was nearer to his own age. Huh?
And the newspaper headline said in essence that Zimmerman apologized to the parents who didn’t accept it. Well, would you have?
According to Florida State law it’s all right to shoot or kill someone if you tell law enforcement that the person meant to cause you bodily harm and you were only protecting yourself and who can say anything different because that person is dead. We have all kinds of laws here that protect only the people who carry guns.
Maybe we will have newly registered voters as well as enlightened old ones who will finally wise up to our corrupt politicians.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Four thousand people seeking jobs showed up to apply for 300 positions at the Hard Rock Casino in Tampa, Florida on Monday.
On Sunday, three people seated beside me at a luncheon complained about all those people collecting unemployment checks who refused to even hunt for a job. They said that “those people” weren’t interested in finding work. I kept my mouth shut because there is no point in trying to reason with senior citizens who have closed minds.

Monday, April 16, 2012


Today I gave up on wearing my winter clothing. I finally realized my dream of cold weather is dead. I’ve noticed everyone around me has been wearing white for a long time and I was fooling myself keeping all my winter sweaters and jackets ready to wear.
So I’ve moved all the winter stuff to the spare closet and taken out my summer clothes. And guess what! I found a lot of things I forgot about and I’m now excited about wearing them. I feel I’m a brand new me.
I bought white shoes on sale several months ago and I’m finally going to wear them. I had to throw out the old ones because they were so dirty looking and worn out.
Now everyone will notice a spring in my step.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


I received a picture of my niece Cathy’s daughter that was published in their local newspaper. She was last year’s homecoming queen for her local high school. What a wonderful thing for the family. My late brother, Charles would be so proud. There were also some pictures of Cathy’s family, too. Of the ten people, we had to guess who was who. We hadn’t seen them since my mother’s funeral. That happens with scattered families.
I started thinking of the circumstances of Cathy’s birth. She must be in her late thirties now. We drove for two hours to visit the hospital when she was born. After seeing her mother, we were looking at Cathy in the nursery, when a nurse who knew my husband stopped to talk. Pointing out our new niece to her, she informed us that she had been present when they performed surgery on her. She was the youngest baby that had been operated on in that hospital. She was surprised we didn’t know.
This was totally shocking to us and moved me to tears. We went back to my sister-in-law’s room and asked what the problem was and why we hadn’t been told. My mother hadn’t been told either.
Cathy had been born with a section of her bile duct not formed and she could not be fed. They were sending her to the Children’s hospital in Pittsburgh for surgery to resection her large intestine. We visited her in the hospital there and saw what looked like a little bird with tubes coming out of her. She remained there for six weeks or so with many doctors trying different experiments with her.
Then an interesting thing happened, my mother called the hospital and reamed out the doctors who were taking care of her. She was still being fed intravenously after all this time. My mother said she needed real food. They released Cathy and the parents took her home and fed her. We saw her a few weeks later and she had blossomed into a healthy baby that looked like nothing had ever happened to her. We were astounded to see this beautiful child.
Cathy married and has three children of her own and is also raising two children of her husband’s sister, who abandoned them.
My own mother, who could be a very difficult person, apparently got some advice from someone higher up (she really knew people in high places) who advised her to get Cathy released. I really don’t know who or why, but she accomplished a miracle.